By PantieBandit in Home on 22 February 2013 à 09:31After so many years of being a Pantie Bandit, this is the very 1st pair I was able to get a pic in. Im not the type to mess in them and then put back, I leave clean and excactally as found. I like for the girls to wear them after me. 20yrs in finish end new home construction I had access to hundreds of sexy womens private things.
This is a recent happy fun time in a pair of my own panties. Not in housing anymore,so I collect my own. That 1st pair was the 1st in awhile then and they belong to the one person to know my secret identity. That she would not be honoured to be the first Pic Panty raid just made it hotter. more on all of that to come. Practice blog , done.
1boobiemonsterTuesday 26th February 2013 at 09:38I love this. Can I send you my panties?Follow this article's comments RSS feed
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